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Zhivko Ivanov artist
Zhivko Ivanov - Artist

Hello, I am Zhivko Ivanov an artist from Bulgaria, currently living in the UK. All of my life is art inspired. I had accepted the mission like every artist to represent how beautiful the life and humans relationships are and also to keep the truth how human senses could enjoy them anytime. I believe that collaboration between the arts evoke a best sense of recreation of the life in strongest and in fullness way. Therefore in my art journey in the life I had gained experience in some performing and visual arts. You could take a look specifically over them and to be redirected from below:

I have strong lead vocal skills and could perform proffesionally on stage as a solo singer, or in music group. My certain music styles where I could perform in best way are: rock, pop-rock. pop-soul. I can represent lyrics on Bulgarian and English language.

•  More about the singing

My challenges to create characters from lyrics in the songs brought me to the point to gain acting experience. I past proffesional acting courses and took a part in productions. I am able to act fairly well on stage and screen equally switch to the different ways of acting.

• More about acting

The techonologies always change the way how we live and also connect the art. The computer became a great helper for every artist in the modern world and I also use this power. I work for variety of graphic / web projects for national and international clients worldwide.

•  More about the digital arts

Fine Art especially drawing with a pencil was my first touch with the art, and it changed my life during the childhood. Following my interest to express more what I see around me I had been started to experience different techniques and did artworks. 

•  More about the fine art


2020 - currently

Freelancer, Self-employed

Web / Graphic designer for variety of projects Worldwide. Youtube Vlogger.



Short film drama, casted as John

2017 & 2018

Roadhouse 2017, 2018

Rock singer competition, London, UK – Semi-Finalist


Hidden Past

Short film drama, casted as Peter



Lead Vocal in “Painout”  – Experimental alternative – progressive – hard rock – metal band


Ramer Group Ltd

Web / graphic designer and web administrator for several company’s websites.


Freelancer, Self-employed

Web / Graphic designer, Freelancer for projects Worldwide (UK, USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Djibouti, Bulgaria)


Bylgarskoto Pozorishte

A full lenght movie about writter Dobri Voinikov and his plays. Casted in 2 roles as Feudal lord and Reporter


A Midsummer Night's Dream

Stoyan Radev’s interpretation of the Classical Sheakspear play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Casted as Nick Bottom.


Krivorazbranata Civilizaciya

Stage play by Dobri Vojnikov. Casted as Hadji Kosta.


Flower hour

Lead vocal in “Flower hour” –
progressive hard rock music group


Media Company Ltd.

Web / graphic designer and web administrator
in advertising company.



Web / graphic designer in advertising company.


"Da" - Pop quintet

As a one of the singers in “Da” Pop quintet



London Actors Workshop

Acting for Film & TV in London, UK


The Actor's Cafe

Course for stage & screen in London, UK

2007 - 2009

Studio Theatre

Stage play and performance course in Varna, Bulgaria

2002 - 2003​

Studio Da

Master pop-rock singing cource and stage performance in Varna, Bulgaria

1998 - 2004

Technical University Varna

Speciality Engineer Designerm Master Degree, graduated in Varna, Bulgaria

1994 - 1998

Liuben Karavelov Fine Arts Secondary School - graduated in Varna, Bulgaria

Graduated in Varna, Bulgaria

Skills in progress

Screen Acting 89%
Stage Acting 85%
Singing solo performance 81%
Singing performance with a band 72%
Graphic designing overall 81.25%
Logo designing 85%
Banner designing 85%
Website designing 75%
Other digital art skills 80%
Painting with China Ink 74%
Painting with Oil 71%
Other Fine art skills 68%


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