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В какво Zhikart вярва?
Hello, I am Zhivko Ivanov an artist from Bulgaria, currently living in the UK. All of my life is art inspired. I had accepted the mission like every artist to represent how beautiful the life and humans relationships are and also to keep the truth how human senses could enjoy them anytime. I believe that collaboration between the arts evoke a best sense of recreation of the life in strongest and in fullness way. Therefore in my art journey in the life I had gained experience in some performing and visual arts. You could take a look specifically over them and to be redirected from below:
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I have strong lead vocal skills and could perform proffesionally on stage as a solo singer, or in music group. My certain music styles where I could perform in best way are: rock, pop-rock. pop-soul. I can represent lyrics on Bulgarian and English language.
• More about the singing
Актьорско майсторство
My challenges to create characters from lyrics in the songs brought me to the point to gain acting experience. I past proffesional acting courses and took a part in productions. I am able to act fairly well on stage and screen equally switch to the different ways of acting.
• More about acting
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The techonologies always change the way how we live and also connect the art. The computer became a great helper for every artist in the modern world and I also use this power. I work for variety of graphic / web projects for national and international clients worldwide.
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Fine Art especially drawing with a pencil was my first touch with the art, and it changed my life during the childhood. Following my interest to express more what I see around me I had been started to experience different techniques and did artworks.