"Connecting Piece of Us" Collaboration project Could you guess what is the main theme about? Performers: Kristina Bakalova, Oliver James , Kyrah Lé, Nicole Riley, Zerina Green , Zhivko Ivanov First monologue: "That's what friends are for" by Burt Bacharach and Carole Bayer Sager Second monologue (in the final part of the video): By Zhivko Ivanov Please subscribe to the channel and write in the comments below if you need more collaboration projects. Let me know your suggestions. London, UK January 2021
Connecting Piece of UsConnecting Piece of Us
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“Connecting Piece of Us”

Collaboration project
Could you guess what is the main theme about?

Kristina Bakalova,
Oliver James
, Kyrah Lé,
Nicole Riley,
Zerina Green
, Zhivko Ivanov

First monologue:
“That’s what friends are for” by Burt Bacharach and Carole Bayer Sager

Second monologue (in the final part of the video):
By Zhivko Ivanov

Please subscribe to the channel and write in the comments below if you need more collaboration projects. Let me know your suggestions.

London, UK
January 2021


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By Zhikart

Web / graphic designer Fine artist Actor / Singer Performancer

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